Financial Services Compliance: Simplified, unified.

In today's heavily regulated financial markets, the seamless integration of legal, compliance and processing is no longer a luxury, it's a necessity.

Financial Services Compliance, FSC, is a comprehensive, one-stop solution that marries lawyers, compliance specialists and claims handlers in support of the modern 360-degree FS compliance cycle.

Whilst our combined team offers unprecedented breadth of experience, it is deep sector expertise that binds them together, offering clients access to a seasoned FS team with decades of experience as external advisors and embedded inhouse.

How it works

A blend of lawyers and compliance experts

  • cost effective:

When compliance involves both legal and non-legal aspects, relying solely on lawyers alone can be costly. By pooling diverse expertise under a single roof, we're able to offer market-oriented pricing without compromising quality.

  • efficient:

By accessing comprehensive services from a single provider, you can maximise value and streamline your operations.

  • flexible:

Drawing on expertise on demand allows you to flex with your requirements, operate a leaner team and minimise your cost base.

A range of offerings


The core of our offering. A team of cross-discipline experts available to assist you whenever and however you need them. Whether you require assistance with a small, isolated task or are seeking support for a multi-year project, our team is equipped to provide bespoke support to ensure you achieve your goals.


In today's highly regulated and outcome-driven financial landscape, ensuring compliance and performance excellence is paramount. At Shoosmiths, we understand the importance of providing assurance to our clients in navigating these intricate realms. Whether you seek peace of mind through one-off reviews or aspire to design comprehensive client journeys, our dedicated team stands ready to assist you every step of the way.


When your workload intensifies and demands immediate action, our expertise ensures that existing resources won't be overwhelmed. Count on us to swiftly assemble teams of seasoned professionals, ready to tackle high-volume processing with precision and efficiency. With Shoosmiths by your side, you can stay navigate any challenge that comes your way, no matter the scale or complexity of your needs.

Contact us today

Experience the power of synergy with Shoosmiths Financial Services Compliance. Contact the team to learn more.

Solutions you might not expect. Expertise you do.

