This breadth of experience enables us to learn and share ideas and innovations from across different types of business for the benefit of our charity client base. We have particularly strong experience in the charity sector and so are well placed to provide assistance at a time when so many charities have need of employment legal support.
Your charity can rely on our vast experience of providing advice to a range of comparable clients, including Lifeways, Active Assistance, the National Trust, Victim Support and The Guide Dogs for the Blind Association.
The strength of our team is also evidenced by the fact that we provide advice to many FTSE 250 companies and other household names, including the likes of Phase Eight, Krispy Kreme, Hamleys, Calor Gas and Brighthouse.
We have advised charity clients in relation to right to work checks for support workers, including dealing with challenges and possible dismissals where employees cannot evidence their rights to work in the UK.
We can help your charity deal with TUPE issues such as negotiating the terms of transfers, collective consultation with employee representatives and challenging the non-transfer of employees under TUPE.
Our employment team also has considerable expertise in National Minimum Wage compliance and complex disciplinary and grievances issues. We can also give clear and effective advice concerning legal developments in respect of staff who undertake sleep-in shifts.
Further, we have extensive experience of working with charity clients on pensions matters, acting for both employers and trustees of occupational pension schemes. We understand the difference in approach that is sometimes needed where the pension scheme sponsor is a charity; particularly around pension scheme funding negotiation. Our team also provides support to charities in matters such as auto-enrolment and public sector contracts.
If you need our expert team's advice or help in dealing with employment and/or pensions issues, please contact Angela Bowman on 03700 86 8244 or by email at [email protected] - Angela will refer you to the relevant specialist lawyer.