Obtaining immigration clearance for a key employee can be vital for a business’s success.
We work closely with organisations to understand their requirements and provide advice on the best route to bringing individuals into the UK to suit their needs and those of their overseas workers as well as supporting them with their ongoing immigration needs.
Immigration law is constantly changing and it is often difficult for organisations to understand what they have to do. The introduction of the points based system, for example, requires employers to do more than ever to comply with immigration regulations and significantly increased penalties for employing illegal workers mean that the stakes are high. We work closely with you, explaining your obligations in an easy to understand way, undertaking immigration audits of your personnel files to identify risk areas, delivering training and working with you to address these so that you can be confident you have the correct procedures and properly trained recruitment staff in place, saving you both time and money.
We take time to understand your business and consider how best to meet your needs, whether you are an overseas company looking to start up branches in, or transfer employees to, the UK, or your UK based organisation needs practical support from carrying out right to work checks to dealing directly with UKVI whether in routine conversations or responding to a ‘dawn raid’.
Our team regularly supports businesses obtaining sponsorship under UKVI’s point based system and offers practical, commercial advice on using the sponsor management system, whether in respect of initial applications or ongoing support. We also recognise that Brexit will have an impact on organisations and their workforce from an immigration perspective. We offer practical and strategically commercial advice and assistance on retaining your valuable talent post Brexit.
We also have extensive experience in training managers and HR teams on the latest immigration rules.