We recognise that for many clients trusteeship is not their day job. One significant challenge is ensuring that governance obligations are met with correctly documented decisions.
We can support you by attending trustee meetings and by project managing significant scheme events.
We will work you and your scheme secretary to ensure that the trustees' governance obligations are met. This can include all or any of the following services:
- review or drafting trustee meeting minutes
- review or drafting conflicts of interest policies
- review or drafting trustee risk register
- review or drafting internal controls documents
As part of this, we will help you draft any documents needed as part of the decisions taken. Further information about this can be found on our pension scheme documents page.
We will also work with your other advisers, including the scheme actuary and the scheme administrators. This means you will receive advice that is joined-up, and which takes account of the broader issues and not just the legal aspects.
As well as advice we can provide you with trustee training on topical issues, whether specific to the scheme or on more general matters.
Scheme governance & compliance is part of Shoosmiths’ wider pensions offering. If you would like help finding the right team or lawyer please contact us on +44 (0)3700 863 000 or contact us by email to [email protected].