Please read these Terms and Conditions of Membership (Terms) carefully because they govern your membership of (Club).
1. The Club
1.1 The name of the Club is the Jump-ahead Privacy Advisers’ Club, also known as and JPAC.
1.2 The Club is sponsored by Shoosmiths LLP (Shoosmiths/we/us/our) and administered by staff and partners nominated by us from time to time (Committee).
1.3 The Club’s purpose is to promote and serve the needs of privacy professionals in the formative stages of their careers. Further details of the Club’s aims can be found on the Club website at (Website).
2. Applying to be a member
2.1 Applications for membership will be considered from individuals aged 18 or over who perform a privacy advisory role for any organisation (whether in-house or in private practice, and whether in the private, public or third sector) or who aspire to have a career in privacy. Membership applications are not open to students in full or part time education who do not hold such an advisory role.
2.2 You can apply for membership by filling in an application form available via the Website.
2.3 All information submitted as part of an application will be dealt with in accordance with the Club Privacy Notice. You promise to us that any information you provide to us, whether prior to or during your membership of the Club will be true, accurate and complete.
2.4 We have the right to refuse any application for membership in our sole discretion, and may discontinue the membership of any person, for any reason and without giving any explanation. We will not enter into any correspondence or consider any appeals.
2.5 We will abide by applicable law including the Equality Act 2010.
2.6 Applicants and members may withdraw from the Club at any time by written notice (including email) to the Committee via the contact details on the Website.
2.7 Our current employees, consultants and equity partners may not apply to become members.
3. Being a member
3.1 Membership is free of charge.
3.2 Membership benefits are entirely at our discretion and may be changed or withdrawn at any time.
3.3 Membership of the Club and access to Club benefits does not of itself create a solicitor/client relationship between members and Shoosmiths and where such an arrangement does exist it is governed by separate terms of engagement.
3.4 The Club may be dissolved at any time by us in our sole discretion.
4. Club affairs
4.1 Management of the Club is undertaken by the Committee which has sole conduct of the Club’s affairs.
4.2 It is not intended that the Club will hold any property. Any property made available by us for Club use belongs to Shoosmiths.
4.3 Members are asked to follow any reasonable code of conduct instituted by the Committee governing Club affairs. Members must abide by our rules when entering onto Shoosmiths’ premises.
4.4 It is a condition of membership that you will not bring the Club or its activities into disrepute.
5. Intellectual property rights
5.1 We do not claim any rights of ownership of any content received by us during the course of your membership and any accompanying materials (Content), however, we reserve the right to utilise this Content in the marketing and promotion of the Club.
5.2 You promise to us that you have obtained permission to use, and to allow us to use, the Content as envisaged by these Terms, and that our use of the Content will not infringe the intellectual property or other rights of any third party.
5.3 We (or third parties on our behalf) may produce materials derived from your membership and participation in the Club’s activities and the Content and publish (Derived Materials) these materials online (with your prior agreement, where appropriate), including on the Website and our social media pages.
5.4 You hereby grant to us a non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free, paid-for, irrevocable licence, for the full period of any intellectual property rights in the Content and any Derived Materials, to use, display, publish, transmit, copy, edit, alter, store, re-format and sub-license the Content and Derived Materials in connection with the Club or for our business purposes including but not limited to organise, promote, administer and chronicle any Club activities. Your data protection rights are not affected.
6. Limitation of liability
6.1 Nothing in these Terms limits or excludes our liability for death or personal injury arising from our negligence, for fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation or for any other liability that cannot be excluded under applicable law. Except as set out in the previous sentence and to the extent permitted by applicable law, we and our agents will not in any circumstances be responsible or liable to compensate members or accept any liability for any losses, damages, claims, costs or expenses arising from or in connection with membership of the Club or any Club activities except where it is caused by our negligence and in relation to such negligence our total maximum liability to you will be limited to one hundred pounds sterling. Your legal rights are not affected.
6.2 We may provide you with details of third party services and links to third party websites from our Website from time to time. We will not be liable to you in relation to any third party services or websites and you acknowledge that any personal information you provide to such third parties will be handled in accordance with their privacy policies, and not ours.
7. Contact and legal information
7.1 If you have any questions of queries about the Club or these Terms, you can contact us by email at [email protected] or by post at, Shoosmiths LLP, 1 Bow Churchyard, London EC4M 9DQ.
7.2 Shoosmiths LLP is a limited liability partnership incorporated in England and Wales under company number OC374987 whose registered office address is at 100 Avebury Boulevard, Milton Keynes, United Kingdom, MK9 1FH.
7.3 Shoosmiths LLP is authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority, our SRA number is: 569065. Our professional rules can be found at Shoosmiths is also recognised as a multi-national practice with the Law Society of Scotland under number 43932. The Law Society of Scotland regulates Scottish activities through its professional rules which can be found at
7.4 We may change these Terms (including any code of conduct issued under them) from time to time. A copy of the amended Terms will be deemed accepted a reasonable time after they are made available to members on the Website.
7.5 These terms and conditions are governed by English law. If any members wish to take court proceedings, then they must do this within the courts in the United Kingdom.
Last updated: August 2023