The two largest contributors to Shoosmiths’ carbon footprint are building energy consumption and business travel.
Our approach to travel during 2020, whilst governed by pandemic restrictions, gave us a unique opportunity to reinforce the best of our virtual working practices adopted over the last few years. In November 2020 we also introduced a new online travel booking platform which is operated on Shoosmiths’ behalf by the travel management company Inntel.
Centralising domestic and overseas travel will deliver a number of benefits with plans for the portal to include the provision of environmental information such as carbon emissions associated with travel options.
The sustainable travel policy statement follows a board review with new measures reinforcing the travel hierarchy including:
- challenging the need for travel;
- encouraging a one day a week no travel approach;
- flights to be booked only with line manager approval;
- internal carbon pricing for all business flight booking;
- colleagues have the option to upgrade to first class rail travel for rail journeys of two hours or more and;
- the use of public transport is encouraged for city centre locations
You can read the full policy statement here.
This information is for general information purposes only and does not constitute legal advice. It is recommended that specific professional advice is sought before acting on any of the information given. Please contact us for specific advice on your circumstances. © Shoosmiths LLP 2025.